A Polymathic Perspective

Art, leadership and the power of observation.

At the heart of innovation lies the ability to see beyond boundaries, to draw from diverse realms of knowledge, and to observe the world through a multifaceted lens.

Albert Einstein once said, "Success comes from CURIOSITY, CONCENTRATION, PERSEVERANCE, and SELF CRITICISM." These words encapsulate the essence of our exploration here.

This site is a celebration of the polymathic spirit – a journey that fuses the realms of art, leadership, and the strength found in keen observation. It is my general online home, a collection of my thoughts and reflections on the world around me. It  is a journal of my curiosity and willingness to pay close attention to the details and nuances of everyday life. Whether through the creative process of paintings, sketches, photographs, written observations or my leadership journey.

In these pages , we delve into the artistry of leadership – the art of guiding, inspiring, and driving change. We unravel the threads of observation – a skill that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Join me on a journey where art and leadership converge, where observation becomes a catalyst for innovation; let's explore the boundless possibilities that arise when we embrace a polymathic perspective.

"Curiosity, Concentration, Perseverance, and Self Criticism" – let these words resonate as we embark on this enriching voyage of discovery and growth.

Feel free to reach out, if you want to buy one of my art, commission something specific, and share in the vibrant discussions that await.

With curiosity and creativity,

Joyita Neerkaje (Joy)

An artist, full time business leader, part time dreamer, an amateur chef, regular wanderer, a sporadic blogger, yoga teacher, and reiki master.

Life's in-betweens

Transitional moments in color and form

Original Painting: Highway Whispers _ Encaustic on Wood
Original Painting: Blossoms of Change _ Encaustic on Wood
Original Painting: Sedona Serenity _ Encaustic on Wood

Each piece in the 'In-between' series is a testament to the importance of savoring the journey. The layers of wax, colors, and textures mirror the layers of life experiences that shape us, the big and small moments that add meanings to our lives.

Read more about the inspiration behind this collection and my creative process

Abstracted Views

Paintings that offer a fresh perspective on familiar places

Behind the Scenes